Fitness for Fooling Around
Sun, Nov 12
An exercise class to boost your sex life and feel good doing it.

Time & Location
Nov 12, 2023, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Denver, 1800 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80210, USA
About the event
When we talk about sex we talk about sensuality, romance, kink, sexual rights, the taboos, the cultural concepts, foreplay... Rarely do we talk about the fact that sex is sport. Sex is a physical activity that (depending on your style) takes endurance,  cardio, immense muscular control and precision, even it's own dress  code! Sex is hard! So why do we not prepare for it like any other athletic endeavors.
Getting fit or staying fit for sex is an important part of increasing pleasure that I often see  overlooked. I'm Kate Forier - body nerd, message therapist, and  embodiment coach - and I'm going to teach you the movements and  exercises that will help you avoid the low back pain, achy shoulders,  strained necks and leg cramps that I've seen my clients come in with  from our favorite night-time sport.
This  class contains an hour and a half of workouts, prop guidance, and  self-care techniques to support your body during the activity that we  all know and love.
Wear clothes are comfortable moving around in and come ready to get physical. Bring the following
- Water
- Your favorite post workout snack
- A good attitude
Also bring in a peice of your sex brain:
- Any sex prop that you want specific guidance around that you have cleaned and washed.
- Have a mental list of your most common - or most desired - sexual positions so we can shape the class to support those as much as possible.
See you there, rowdy humans!!!
About the Instructor:Â
Kate Forier, LMT, Embodiment Coach. You can contact her directly at or find her on Instagram as embody_sim.Â